Friday 12 October 2012


   Computers are tools used to process the data according to the procedure that have been formulated. Computer was the word originally used to describe people who did arithmetical work with or without assistive devices, but then the the word was transferred to the machine itself. 
       Originally the computer was made to do processing of information exclusively related arithmetic problems, but in modern computers can do much more than solving arithmetical sums. 
      Broadly, the computer can be defined as an electronic device that consists of several components, which can work together between the components with one another to produce an information based on existing programs and data. The computer components are included: Screen Monitors, CPU, Keyboard, Mouse and Printer (as a complement). Without a computer printer can still perform his duties as a data processor, but the extent visible on the screen monitor is not yet in print form (paper).
       In such a definition have a tool like a slide rule, mechanical calculator types ranging from abacus and so on, until all contemporary electronic computers. The term better suited to a broad sense such as "computer" is "that process information" or "information processing systems."

       Today, computers are becoming more sophisticated. However, before the computer is not as small, sophisticated, cool and light as now. In the history of computers, there are 5 generations of computer history        

         1. FIRST GENERATION (1944-1959)
Vacuum tube as a signal amplifier, a typical first-generation computer. Initially, vacuum tubes (vacuum-tube) is used as a component of the signal amplifier. Raw materials consist of glass, so much has disadvantages, such as: easily broken, and easy to distribute the heat. This heat needs to be neutralized by other components that serves as a coolant
And with the additional component, the computer finally appeared to be a big, heavy and expensive. In 1946, the world's first electronic computer the ENIAC sesai made. On the computer contained 18,800 vacuum tubes and weighs 30 tons. so large in size, to the point that requires a separate classroom.
In the seems image ENIAC computer ,which is the world's first electronic computer that has a weight weighing 30 tons ,length 30 M and 2.4 M high and requires 174 kilowatts of electrical power  

 2.SECOND GENERATION (1960-1964)    
The transistor is a hallmark of second generation of computer. The raw materials in it had three layers which were named "basic", "collector" and "emitter". The transistor is an abbreviation of the transfer resistor, which means that by influencing two of the three layers, power which is the next layer gets affected. 
Thus, the transistor functions as a signal amplifier. As a solid component, a transistor has many advantages, that it is not easily broken, does not distribute the heat, and thus the computers are becoming smaller and cheaper  
In the 1960s, IBM introduced the commercial machine that uses transistors and is widely used starting in the market. IBM-7090 computer made in the United States is one of the commercial machine that uses transistors.
This computer is designed to solve all kinds of jobs both scientific and commercial. Because of its speed and ability, leading to the IBM 7090 became very popular. Other second-generation computers are: IBM Serie 1400, Serie NCR 304, MARK IV and the Honeywell Model 800.


The computers before were very huge and costly so the people needed more compact and less costlier computers.That made people to create computers which were more compact computers. They gathered thousands of transistors to form a one small. Sicillium piece yag have successfully created a few millimeters, and have named it integrated circuit or IC-chip that are characteristic of third generation computer.
  Magnetic ring can be in-magnetization in one direction or the opposite, and finally to sinyalkan condition "ON" or "OFF" which is then translated into the concept of 0 and 1 in the binary number system that is needed by the computer. In every field there are 924 memory magnetic rings, each representing one bit of information. Millions of bits of information currently resides in a single chip with a very small form.

Chiri typical microprocessor is the fourth generation of computers that are thousands of compaction into an IC chip. Because the form of an increasingly small and growing capabilities and the price offered is also getting cheaper. Microprocessor is the beginning of the birth of personal computers. In 1971, Intel Corp., later developed the first microprocessor series 4004.
Examples of this generation is the Apple I computer which was developed by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs with how to enter the microprocessor on the circuit board computer. In addition, later appeared TRS Model 80 with type Motorola 68000 processor and Zilog Z-80 uses 64KB of RAM standard.
Computer Apple II-e are using the processor type and Ram 6502R is 64 Kb, is also one of the PC is very popular at that time. Operating systems used are: CP / M 8 Bit. This computer is very popular in the early 80's.
IBM Personal Computer was churning out around the year 1981, using the Operating System 16 Bit MS-DOS. Due to the price offered is not much different from other computers, besides the technology is much better and bigger than IBM's own name, then in a very short time the computer has become very popular.
In this generation is marked by the emergence of: LSI (Large Scale Integration), which is the solidification of thousands of microprocessors into a microprocessor. In addition, also marked by the emergence of microprocessor and semi-conductors. Companies that make micro-processors are: Intel Corporation, Motorola, Zilog and others again. Market we can see a microprocessor from Intel with models 4004, 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486, and Pentium.
Pentium-4 is the latest production from Intel Corporation that is expected to cover all the weaknesses that exist in previous products, in addition, possessed the ability and speed of the Pentium-4 also increased to 2 Ghz. The pictures that appear to be smoother and sharper, in addition to the speed of processing, sending or receiving images also become faster and faster.